February 17, 2009

Sledding in Spain!

Milagros and I decided that one day leaving early from school wouldn't be bad for the kids! After I was done with my Spanish class, I hurried home and the car had already been packed! The children were in their matching outfits, and our picnic was ready to go!! It was a beautiful day, and we were headed to the mountains to see the snow! I thought we were just going to go on a warm day to have a picnic and let the kids run around... oh no! Going to see the snow in the Elwell family is a HUGE deal!! Everyone must have protective eye wear, very sturdy shoes, water proof clothes, and sun screen... we were going sledding! I was lucky enough to get to wear my host Mom's jacket because she decided she wanted the full suit. Dang it!! We rode the ski lift up to the top, took some pictures, and then went back down. The kids thought this was the GREATEST thing in the world. Something that seems so normal to me, made their entire day! There are a lot of little things at home that I now realize how much I take for granted!
Gotta have protective goggles... glasses were acceptable for me though! I Had no idea my hair was sticking straight up though!! woops!

I felt at home playin in the snow!! They go twice a year... can't wait to go again soon!!


  1. Thats it. You are the cutest girl EVER.

  2. Brit, Im so jealous!! That looks so fun!!

  3. How fun!! They would love our snow here. It never goes away- ha, ha. It's actually been pretty nice here lately. I am getting a bad case of spring fever. You are so cute, looks like you guys had fun.
